“Eddie Rickenbacker:
Chronicling an Action-Packed Life”
Two interactive video-conference presentations
by Andrew Speno, author of
The Many Lives of Eddie Rickenbacker
(Ohio University Press, 2020)
Option 1: The Mystery of Eddie Rickenbacker’s Umbrella-Bike
Essential Question: What does a biographer do when the primary and secondary sources don’t agree?
- Introduction of the author and how he came to write about Eddie Rickenbacker
(C) pamimages, 2020 - Warm-up: Students sequence events in early aviation history in Ohio based on prior knowledge.
- Activity: Students examine different document excerpts
- Is it a primary or secondary source?
- What does it tell us about the order of events?
- Discussion: The actual sequence is revealed.
- How did our prediction hold up?
- Why did the sources disagree? How could information in a book be wrong?
- Reading: Author reads first paragraphs of the book that pertain to the events students just learned about.
- Does the lead hook your interest?
- Does it tell you what to expect from the book?
- Question-and-answer session
Option 2: So Many Lives, So Few Pages
Essential Question: Deciding what to include and what to leave out when telling a life story
Courtesy Auburn University Libraries Introduction of the author and how he came to write about Eddie Rickenbacker
- Discussion: What is biography?
- Tells the story of a life
- Does an author tell everything about the life?
- How does an author decide what to include and what to leave out?
- Activity: Two included, one left out game
- Guess which was left out.
- Why was it left out?
- Reading: Author reads a favorite scene from one mentioned in the game.
- A biography, just like a novel or a movie, depends on scenes
- Did the author create a scene you could imagine?
- Question-and-answer session
To schedule a program:
Courtesy NMUSAF Review two programs described above; select one or both
- Review specifications for both presentations:
- Length: 45 minutes
- Price: $60 per presentation, up to 30 students
- $100 for for two presentations
- $125 for three presentations
- $150 for four presentations
- Accommodations can be made to suit your needs.
- Contact Andrew Speno, the author/presenter
- Contact page
- spenoa@zoomtown.com
- (513) 533-2657
To order copies of the book:
- Contact Jeff Kallet, sales Manager, Ohio University Press
- kallett@ohio.edu
- (740) 593-1158