Launch Event

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The Great American Foot Race will be released on Tuesday, April 4, 2017.  A signing event will take place at Blue Marble Books on Thursday, April 13, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm.  The store is located at 1356 S. Ft. … Continued

Blood Brother

posted in: Good Reads: Nonfiction | 0

Jonathan Daniels may be the most important Civil Rights hero you’ve never heard about.  Rich and Sandra Wallace aim to correct that injustice with their new book, Blood Brother.  The subtitle says a lot: Jonathan Daniels and His Sacrifice for … Continued

A New Author

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I received a surprise package on my fifty-third birthday: five ARC copies of The Great American Foot Race.  ARC stands for Advance Reader Copy–advance because there may still be errors that need to be fixed before the final product reaches … Continued

Q&A with Deborah Kalb

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Freelance writer and editor Deborah Kalb included The Great American Foot Race in her blog, Book Q&As.  It is an honor to be included in a blog that has run continuously for five years, maintained by an editor and author as … Continued